How to Keep Children Safe around Household Appliances

Showing proper appliance use

As the old adage goes — most accidents happen at home. Kids can be injured by any household appliance, but any household appliance can be rendered inoperative by the little darlings too. Toast in the DVD player, DVDs in the toaster, family pets in various places they don’t want to be are examples of the dangers toddlers pose to our domestic equipment.

Let’s call a ceasefire and avoid casualties on either side by teaching children to use and respect the appliances around the home. Home appliance service and maintenance is a vital aspect of keeping your home appliances running smoothly; but any mechanical device, working or not, large or small, can pose a risk to children.

Your son or daughter mimics your behavior and wants badly to help mom with the laundry or help dad around the stove or the other way round. Teaching your children about the appliances in your home and how to safely use them is the key to not only protecting your children but ensuring that accident damage doesn’t happen, as a result of little hands, causing major appliance repairs to be needed.

Is Your Child Ready to Learn about Appliances & Safety?

Children begin following us around the second they can walk. Gauge your child’s ability to actually operate the appliance independently such as their strength, understanding of buttons and dials, and their comprehension of potential dangers associated with the appliance. Don’t expect too much too soon, they are only kids, after all.

Get Children Involved in Household Chores

Have your child help you with daily chores so that you can role model the proper use of the various appliances. Make it fun and engage their interest but make sure they understand the seriousness of the danger some things pose or how delicate others are.

Play the Foreman & Supervise Everything

Supervise the independent use of the appliances, reminding them of steps until they are able to perform tasks effectively and safely. Don’t allow them to push the boundaries too far, but accepting a touch of experimentation takes the mystery and fascination out of equipment that can be dangerous. While your home appliances are a large investment in your home, your children are your most precious accomplishment. Including them in proper appliance use and care will not only provide them with essential skills for the future, but will help safeguard them against avoidable, potentially dangerous accidents. Also remember, many accidents and injuries in the home are a direct result of faulty equipment. Call West Coast Chief Repair to take a look at your appliances to ensure they are safe to use.



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